Say Goodbye to Low Back Pain, Hello to Living Better
If you suffer from low back pain caused by LSS — a MILD® procedure at Upland Hills Health may be your answer.
Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is a narrowing of the channel in which the spinal cord rests. It can lead to debilitating pain. It is often caused by an enlarged ligament within the spinal canal, and can cause numbness or tingling in the lower back, buttocks and legs when standing or with minimal activity.
MILD® may help you move freely again. MILD® is an acronym that stands for Minimally Invasive Lumbar Decompression. This one-hour procedure reduces the pain of LSS by relieving pressure on spinal nerves. MILD® does not require general anesthesia. It uses a tiny incision so small it does not require stitches. For many patients this procedure significantly decreases pain. Patients report being able to stand for longer periods of time with more mobility—effectively regaining a higher quality of life.
Best of all, the MILD® procedure is available to you in Dodgeville at the Upland Hills Health Pain Management Clinic.
Ask your primary care provider for a referral to Dr. Thomas Faull.