Mineral Point Therapy Center

About This Location

Therapy and Aquatic Center

Seeing a physical therapist at our Mineral Point Therapy Center provides a path to all of the services at the Upland Hills Health Hospital in Dodgeville.

Therapy Services:

  • Speech Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Aquatic Therapy

What is aquatic therapy?

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Aquatic therapy uses the power of water to help you improve strength and function. Improving your quality of life. The therapy pool that we use is a Hydroworx 2000. The bottom of the pool is an underwater treadmill. You enter the pool at zero depth and are gently lowered into the water. A certified therapist will guide you.

Why water?

  • Water supports by reducing the effects of gravity
  • Water provides resistance
  • Water soothes and relaxes for comfortable movement

How do I know if I qualify for aquatic therapy?

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All patients who have an order from their doctor or advanced care provider to receive physical therapy are evaluated on their first appointment. If the therapist feels that aquatic therapy would be beneficial, he or she will talk with you and your doctor about that option. In general, both the therapist and your doctor must agree that aquatic therapy is medically necessary in order for health insurance providers to approve it. As always, we recommend that you check with your insurance provider before making the final decision.

How do I use the therapy pool for walking?

People wishing to use the pool for fitness, and who meet the criteria in the document below, will need a form from their doctor or advanced care provider. Steps for fitness walkers wanting to use the pool:

  1. Print the below paperwork and have your provider sign it.
  2. Once the paperwork is completed, call the Mineral Point Therapy Center to make a fitness walking evaluation appointment at 608.987.2574.
  3. Read the criteria linked below so you are prepared for that appointment (what to wear, what to bring). Staff will file your signed referral paperwork, evaluate what pool treadmill speed is best for you, match you to other walkers at that speed and schedule your fitness walking.

Pool Use Criteria

Aquatic Fitness Walking Form for Signature

Frequently Asked Questions about pool use

Mineral Point Therapy Center

1050 Branger Dr.

Mineral Point, WI 53565



Phone: 608-987-2574





Access to a Top Hospital

  • Upland Hills Health is right on the south edge of Dodgeville.
  • It’s easy to get to with no traffic.
  • Extraordinary Urgent and Emergency Care is provided by Madison Emergency Physicians with impressively short wait times – on average you’ll be seen by a doctor in our Emergency Dept. in less than 10 minutes.
  • On-site Lab and Imaging with access to Madison Radiologists means tools for fast diagnostic testing available to you and your doctor.
  • If you want personal attention with less hassle – Upland Hills Health is a great choice.

This practice serves all patients regardless of their ability to pay. Services will not be denied due to inability to pay.

A sliding fee scale discount for medically necessary services is offered based on family size and income.

Why Choose Upland Hills Health?

Patient-First Care Every Patient. Every Time.

We are committed to providing the safest and best possible experience for every patient that enters our clinics, our hospital, our nursing and rehab center, our medical equipment store, or who invites us into their home through Home Care or Hospice services.

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