Next Appointment? New Clinic!
If you live near Highland and find that you need to see the local doctor, your appointment will now be in a brand new building. Members of the community have been watching the clinic go up over the winter months at 723 N. Main Street in Highland. The new Upland Hills Health clinic stands on the site of the first Ss. Anthony and Philip Church and is now open to patients.
The Dodgeville Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony in the early morning hours, Monday June 6, before Upland Hills Health (UHH) staff welcomed patients into the new site. UHH President & CEO, Lisa Schnedler, Dr. John Lehman, Dr. Rachel Hartline, Catherine Blume, APNP and Father Jim Murphy came forward to thank the Upland Hills Health Board of Trustees and the entire Highland community for the dedication and commitment they have shown for this local clinic.
Building the new clinic was especially noteworthy for Dr. Lehman who began his medical practice in Highland. In the summer of 1978, Dr. Lehman began to see patients in Highland and has served as the clinic’s doctor ever since.
A pharmacy is expected to open within the new Highland Clinic building this fall. ###
[Left to right] Lisa Schnedler, UHH President and CEO; Dr. Rachel Hartline; Brad Laufenberg, UHH Board Vice Chairperson (from the Highland community); Catherine Blume, APNP; Dr. John Lehman; Jim Massey, UHH Board Secretary; Jody Vanderloo, UHH Board Chairperson; Phyllis Fritsch, former UHH President and CEO; Ryan Teasdale, UHH Director of Environmental Services.